REignite Real Estate Meeting, It’s Coffee Time With Andrew 89
This Coffee Time With Andrew is quite different than most. It was done at the REignite Real Estate meeting mini seminar on Friday April 24 2023.
It was a rainy day in February that I attended the REignite Real Estate meeting. It was great to have a chance to see several different presentation styles. As one of the short video states, I had a chance to see some of the ways audiences disengage with even good content.
After seeing these presentations I also have started thinking about some important elements I need to include in my own talks.
I don’t know if it is true across the board, but I noticed with this audience once you lose the attention of about 10 percent audience distraction increases considerably. What I saw is that it goes from 10 percent disengaged to 20 within a few minutes.

I did find how the meeting was run interesting.
I was particularly enlightening how one of the most famous panel members acquired his social media fame.
I am posting three edited shorts so you can view the parts you think will be most interesting for you. Video 1 goes over the introduction and a little about the presentations.
Video 2 is not about the event but my new vocabulary videos.
The last video 3 I talk a little with one of the attendees.
If you want to see the full video, I provided that at the end of the post.